Future and Before

I can't think of future anymore,
when any time now death can arrive.
Everything can't be like before,
when I am struggling just to survive.

I can't think of future anymore,
when my humiliation I cannot hide.
Everything can't be like before,
when I am picking pieces of my pride.

I can't think of future anymore,
when I've to always stay on guard.
Everything can't be like before,
when my work is becoming so hard.

I can't think of future anymore,
when sunshine is making me blind.
Everything can't be like before,
when sweating heat is being unkind.

I can't think of future anymore,
when my skin is covered with dirt.
Everything can't be like before,
when all my bones begin to hurt.

I can't think of future anymore,
when I am holding in a scream.
Everything can't be like before,
when I am giving up on my dream.

I can't think of future anymore,
when my present is falling apart.
Everything can't be like before,
when I am mending a broken heart.

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